竭盡全力做某事 英文
spare no effort to VR 最常使用到的是do one’s best 但除了do one’s best 還有很多其他的片語都有其相近的意思,多背幾個相似意思的片語,在英文寫作上就可以利用抽換詞面的方法,讓文意更清楚,也不會一直重覆使用同一個片語,讓人覺得詞彙低落。
Strain every nerve to VR 竭盡全力去
We should strain every nerve to finish the mission. 我們應該竭盡全力來完成這項任務。
apply oneself to something
She applied herself to acting and she became a famous actress finally. 她盡力演出,最後她成為一名有名的女演員。
all-out effort 全力投入
leave no stone unturned 全力以赴
He left no stone unturned to find out the stranger’s name and occupation.他全力以赴找出那位陌生人的名字與職業
heart and soul 全心全力
We must serve the people heart and soul. 我們必須為人民盡心盡力
make every effort to
I will make every effort to finish the projects.我會盡力完成這份計畫。
do/try your utmost
She does/tries your utmost to accomplish the task.她努力完成這項任務
spare no effort to VR不遺餘力
We will spare no effort to come up with a good idea to slove the problem.
take (great) pains to do something 煞費苦心,花大氣力
She took great pains in helping the poor.
He took great pains to manage the company well .
S+v with all sb’s might 盡最大力量
I persuaded Mary to wear a mask all the time with all my might.
make one’s best effort 盡最大努力英文
Mary maked her best effort to win the championship.
do one’s best
I did my best to improve my English skill. 我努力改進我的英文。
Do all one can do to
= Do whatever one can do VR=Do one’s level best to VR
= Try as hard as one can ( try) to VR
I will do all I can do to win the game.
= I will try as hard as I can to win the game.
- 國中會考片語總整理1
- 國中英語會考片語總整理2
- 國中英語會考片語總整理3
- 國中會考英語片語總整理4
- 會考英語片語總整理5
- 會考英語片語總整理6
- 國中會考英語基本片語總整理7
- 國中會考英語片語總整理8
- 國中會考英文片語9
- 國中會考英語片語總整理10
- 國中英語會考片語總整理11
- 全民英檢初級片語 GEPT basic
- 中級英檢必備英文片語
- 中級英檢必備英文片語2
- 中級英檢必背英文片語3
- 中級英檢必備英文片語4
- 中級英檢必備英文片語5
- 中級英檢必備英文片語6
- 中級英檢必備英文片語7
- 中級英檢必備英文片語8
- 中級英檢必備英文片語9
- 中級英檢必備英文片語10
- 中級英檢英文片語
- 中級/中高級英檢片語 1
- 升大學必背英文片語 1
- 升大學學測指考英文片語2
- 大學學測英文片語3
- 學測必背英文片語4
- 升大學學測英檢片語5
- 大學學測片語6
- 英文避免某人做某事怎麼說
- be acclimated to N/V-ing 英文適應片語總整理
- be made from be made of 差別在哪裡
- have difficulty ving 很難從事…片語
- be responsible for sth. 對…負責
- Sb. be impressed with Sth 對…有印象
- 開心高興英文怎麼說be delighted to VR
- A substitute for B A取代B文法句型
- ASAP as soon as possible 盡可能
- go on vs. continue文法
- in order to 為了…目的
- used to VR/be used to V-ing/be used to 差異
- It is no use Ving 做…沒有用
- regard A as B 視A為B 片語
- make it possible for 人to V使某人能文法
- have no choice but to RV 無法選擇,不得不
- Be known for, Be known as, Be known to差別
- work in /work for /work out /work at
- Give sb. a hand vs Give sb. a big hand
- 區別A與B怎麼說 A be different from B
- 動詞 sb of sth英文句型 accuse 人of 事
- 說服某人做某事英文怎麼說 persuade sb. into v-ing
- account for sth 用法
- out of fashion out of 系列片語
- be in the habit of Ving 養成~的習慣英文怎麼說
- take turns V-ing輪流做某事英文怎麼說
- keep 用法 片語
- way 片語
- mean to vr 打算做及mean ving 意思是
- 顏色英語片語
- How about ving? 你認為…如何?(建議做某事)
- time 一字多義 片語
- differ in differ from differ with 用法
- 竭盡全力做某事 spare no effort to VR
- sth occurs to sb 某人想到某事英文
- not give sb the time of day 不理睬某人 英文怎麼說
- look up sth look片語 look up to sb
- 托福聽力常用短語 all thumbs
- drop out of school ask片語 justice 用法
- blow one’s mind 意思 mind 片語
- 動物英文諺語
- 水果相關英文諺語
- 服裝相關英文片語 這些片語的意思你猜對了嗎
- eye眼睛英文片語 not bat an eye