1.blow out 吹熄 If you blow out a flame or a candle, you blow at it so that it stops burning.
2. burn /go out 熄滅、燒盡 If a fire burns itself out, it stops burning because there is nothing left to burn
3. get out 出去 Get out of my room, Tony.
4.take 物out 取出、拿出去 Please take out your stuff and leave here.
5.take 人out 帶…外出 Father took me out to dinner.
6.dig out 挖掘出、發現 I dug out some important facts.
7.watch / look out 小心 Watch out for the angry dogs.
8. ask sb out 邀某人出去 Are you asking me out?
9.carry out 實踐 She finally carried out her promise to quit smoking.
10. point out指出 He pointed out the mistake to me. 他向我指出錯誤。
11.help out 幫助…擺脫困境 If you help someone out, you help them by doing some work for
them or by lending them some money
1. be afraid of 害怕 I am afraid of swimming.
2. be scared of 害怕 She is scared of Mr. Lin.
3.be sick / tired of 討厭、厭倦 I am sick of your arrogance and rudeness.
4.be full of = be filled with充滿 The pond is full of shrimps.
5.be sure of 確定 I am sure of his coming.
6.be proud of 以…為榮 I am so proud of your bravery.
7. be short of 缺少 The office is short of paper now.
8.because of 因為… I won’t go fishing today because of the storm.
9.in place of 人代替某人 I went to Africa on business in place of my coworker.
10.instead of 人或事、物 取而代之 I went to SOGO department store instead of the bookstore.
11.run out of 用完… The bathroom has run out of the toilet paper.
12. remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事 This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.
13.think of 想起 Listening to the song makes me think of you.
14.hear of 聽說 Have you heard of the matter?
15. worst of all 最糟糕地 Worst of all , I lost my all savings in a night.
16.first of all 首先 First of all, you have to wash up your face and then make up your face.
17. out of order 發生故障;違反議事規則;順序紊亂 My radio is out of order. I need to buy a new one.
18. out of danger 脫離險境 We are nearly bitten by the sharks. Fortunately, we are out of danger now.
19. out of date 過時的 Your news is out of date.
20. out of season 非盛產季節 Pineapples are out of season now.
介詞 to 片語
1. be new to 對….不熟、沒經驗 Though he was new to the work, he was doing it very well.
2. be / get used to Ving習慣於 I got used to staying up late when I was a student.
3. be junior to 比…年輕、資淺 I am junior to you by 2 years. (junior to 已經是比較級句型,不用than)
4. be senior to比…年輕、資深 I am senior to Alex in the office. (senior to 已經是比較級句型,不用than)
5. be known to ….是….所熟知 Obama is well known to Americans.
6. be married to 嫁給…. Nina was married to Joe 5 years ago.
7. be similar to… 跟…相似 Your house is similar to mine.
8. be the same as… 跟…一樣 Your hat is the same as mine.
9. listen to 聆聽 People should listen to their hearts.
10. lead to 導致、引導到 All roads lead to Rome.條條大路通羅馬 Your laziness led to your failure.
11. invite…to… 邀請去… Mrs. Huang invited me to dinner.
12. introduce …to 向…介紹…. Allow me introduce my cousin to you guys.
13. belong to …(沒有被動)屬於… The house and the car belong to me.
14. help oneself to 自行取用…. Please help yourself to the food.
15. pay a visit to sb = call on sb = visit sb 造訪、拜訪 I paid a visit to my cousin last week.
call at +地點造訪某地 I called at Disney island last summer.
16. pay attention to Noun/Ving 專注於…. You must pay attention to the details.
17. 事情happen to 人某人發生某事 What happened to you two days ago?
人happen to V 某人恰巧….. I happen to have two tickets for a great concert tomorrow.
18. answer to …的答案 What is the answer to that question?
19. key to ….的鑰匙、關鍵 This is the key to success in business.
20. get to 地方 抵達… I need to get to the local market at 5 p.m.
21. to one’s surprise,…. 令….驚訝的是,….. To my surprise, Jay won the award.
22. prefer …. to….. 喜歡…..勝過…. I preferred black tea to coffee. ●
23. according to 根據 We are not able to go mountain climbing according to the broadcast.
24. 物be used to VR 物被使用來做…. The solar purse is used to charge cellphone.
25. 物 be used for V-ing 為…而使用某物 The chocolate is used for making cake.
26. be sure to V確定去做某事 Be sure to get up early tomorrow.
介詞on 片語
1. on TV 在電視節目中 I saw my friend, Linda appear on TV.
2. on the TV 在電視機上 Your wallet is on the TV.
3. on the school team 在校隊中 I was playing basketball on the school team then.
4. on the radio 在收音機裡 I like to listen to the latest pop music on the radio.
5. on the phone 在電話中 Don’t talk loudly on the phone during the movie.
6. on the cell phone 在手機中 Don’t talk on the cell phone for a long time. It costs a lot!
7. on the CD player 在CD播放機中 I like to listen to the radio on the CD player.
8. on the computer 在電腦上 Students in Taiwan learn how to create a paper on the computer.
9. on the Internet 在網路上 I met my key pale, Linda on the blog on the Internet.
10. on the screen 在螢光幕上 Children should not watch violent content on the screen.
11. on the top of the mountain = on the mountaintop 在山頂 My house is on the mountaintop.
12. on the mountainside 在山坡、山腰上 I have a villa on the mountainside.
13. on the farm 在田裡、在農場裡 I kept many sheep, goats ,and cattle on the farm.
(* in the field 在田野間、on the ranch 在牧場上、in the pasture在牧場中)
14. on earth 在世界上、究竟 There are seven wonders on earth.
What on earth are you talking about? 你究竟在談些什麼?
15. on vacation / on holiday 休/渡假中 My family are on vacation now.
16. on business 因公出差 Ms. Chen went on a trip to France on business.
17. on sale 在拍賣中 The china is on sale.
18. on a diet 節食中 My mom is always on a diet.
19. on time 準時(in time 及時) I have to go to work on time.
20. on the weekend 在週末 I like to watch HBO’s movies on the weekend.
21. on weekdays 在工作日 Please call the clerk on the weekdays.
22. on Mondays = every Monday每週一
23. depend on 依賴 My family’s income depends on my father’s salary.
24. live on …以…為主食、靠…維生 Most Asians live on rice.
25. on the bed 在床上 Don’t lie on the bed all day.
26. on foot 用腳走 We have to go to the villa on foot right now.
27. go on +Ving = keep/continue + Ving 繼續 Let’s go on reading the article.
28. on one’s own = by oneself 獨自、靠自己 I want to make money on my own.
29. focus on = concentrate on 專注於 As a student ,You must focus on the study.
30. get on the bus/train/plane/MRT捷運/gondola(纜車) 上公車/火車/飛機/捷運/纜車(可站立)
31. get off the bus/train/plane/MRT捷運/ gondola(纜車) 下公車/火車/飛機/捷運/纜車(可站立)
32. get in the car / taxi/cable car(纜車) 上車/上計程車/上纜車 (不可站立)
33. get out of the car / taxi/ cable car(纜車) 下車/下計程車/下纜車 (不可站立)
副詞on 片語
1. put on ..穿上 Put on your pants and T-shirt.
take off 脫掉 Take off your clothes.
2.turn on 打開 I turn on the TV and watch the latest news every night.
turn off 關掉 Don’t turn off the lamp.
3. try on 試穿 It is a nice blouse. You may want to try it on.
4. put on weight 增加體重 God! He has put on much weight lately.
5.lose weight 減重 Girls always think about how to lose weight quickly.
6.hold on 稍等 Please hold on. I will have Mr. Collin speak to you.
7. pass on = pass away = die 死亡 My grandpa passed on naturally.
8.pass on 繼續下去 ,傳遞
副詞down 片語
break down 故障 My computer broke down 10 minutes ago.
all down 倒下來 A bridge fell down in London two days ago.
burn down 燒毀 The fire burned my villa down last week.
put down 放下 Put down your weapon.
turn 人down 婉拒某人 The pretty girl has turned me down several times.
turn down the radio 把收音機關小聲
turn down the heater把暖氣機關小一點
turn down the volume把聲量關小一點
turn up the radio把收音機開大聲
turn up the heater把暖氣機開大一點
turn up the volume把聲量開大一點
- 國中會考片語總整理1
- 國中英語會考片語總整理2
- 國中英語會考片語總整理3
- 國中會考英語片語總整理4
- 會考英語片語總整理5
- 會考英語片語總整理6
- 國中會考英語基本片語總整理7
- 國中會考英語片語總整理8
- 國中會考英文片語9
- 國中會考英語片語總整理10
- 國中英語會考片語總整理11
- 全民英檢初級片語 GEPT basic
- 中級英檢必備英文片語
- 中級英檢必備英文片語2
- 中級英檢必背英文片語3
- 中級英檢必備英文片語4
- 中級英檢必備英文片語5
- 中級英檢必備英文片語6
- 中級英檢必備英文片語7
- 中級英檢必備英文片語8
- 中級英檢必備英文片語9
- 中級英檢必備英文片語10
- 中級英檢英文片語
- 中級/中高級英檢片語 1
- 升大學必背英文片語 1
- 升大學學測指考英文片語2
- 大學學測英文片語3
- 學測必背英文片語4
- 升大學學測英檢片語5
- 大學學測片語6
- 英文避免某人做某事怎麼說
- be acclimated to N/V-ing 英文適應片語總整理
- be made from be made of 差別在哪裡
- have difficulty ving 很難從事…片語
- be responsible for sth. 對…負責
- Sb. be impressed with Sth 對…有印象
- 開心高興英文怎麼說be delighted to VR
- A substitute for B A取代B文法句型
- ASAP as soon as possible 盡可能
- go on vs. continue文法
- in order to 為了…目的
- used to VR/be used to V-ing/be used to 差異
- It is no use Ving 做…沒有用
- regard A as B 視A為B 片語
- make it possible for 人to V使某人能文法
- have no choice but to RV 無法選擇,不得不
- Be known for, Be known as, Be known to差別
- work in /work for /work out /work at
- Give sb. a hand vs Give sb. a big hand
- 區別A與B怎麼說 A be different from B
- 動詞 sb of sth英文句型 accuse 人of 事
- 說服某人做某事英文怎麼說 persuade sb. into v-ing
- account for sth 用法
- out of fashion out of 系列片語
- be in the habit of Ving 養成~的習慣英文怎麼說
- take turns V-ing輪流做某事英文怎麼說
- keep 用法 片語
- way 片語
- mean to vr 打算做及mean ving 意思是
- 顏色英語片語
- How about ving? 你認為…如何?(建議做某事)
- time 一字多義 片語
- differ in differ from differ with 用法
- 竭盡全力做某事 spare no effort to VR
- sth occurs to sb 某人想到某事英文
- not give sb the time of day 不理睬某人 英文怎麼說
- look up sth look片語 look up to sb
- 托福聽力常用短語 all thumbs
- drop out of school ask片語 justice 用法
- blow one’s mind 意思 mind 片語
- 動物英文諺語
- 水果相關英文諺語
- 服裝相關英文片語 這些片語的意思你猜對了嗎
- eye眼睛英文片語 not bat an eye