1. be interested in 對…感興趣 I am so interested in cars that I go to car fairs every month.
2. be active in 在…很積極主動 Kevin was very active in hiking before.
3. believe in 相信….存在 I really believe in God.
4. be in danger 在危險中 My friend is in danger now. Please call the police.
5. be in good order 井然有序、整齊 I found that everything in my room was in good order.
6. in uniform 穿制服 I like to see students in uniform.
7.be dressed in 顏色穿某種顏色衣服 I was dressed in black at the party last night.
8. in fact 事實上 In fact , I am very poor.
9. in short 簡言之、總之 In short, Calvin is my favorite teacher.
10.in the first place 首先、原本 I don’t want to go there in the first place.
11.in public 公開地 My boyfriend said ,”I love you” in public.
12.in this way 以這種方式 We are protected by our parents in this way.
13. in time 及時 I went to class in time and didn’t get punished.
14. in a hurry 匆忙 I went to work in a hurry and forgot to bring my briefcase.
15. in one’s free time 在某人有空時 I love planting flowers in my free time.
16.in season 在盛產季節、在旺季 The oranges are in season now.
17. get in trouble 惹上麻煩 I got in trouble because I beat someone up.
18. in the dark 在黑暗中 Some people live in the dark,and they need a spiritual teacher.
19. fall in love with 和某人談戀愛 I fell in love with Joe last year.
20.in the mountains 在山上 Some people live in the mountains.
21.in the newspaper 在報紙上 I read a great story in the newspaper.
22.in the ocean 在海洋裡 Joe likes to swim in the ocean.
23.in the sea 在大海中 There are many kinds of fishes in the sea.
24.in the sky 在空中 There are many airplanes flying in the sky.
25. in space 在太空中 There are many planets in space.
26. in line 排隊 There are many people waiting in line for the new books.
27. in the middle of 在….中間 There is a statue in the middle of the bridge.
28. in the center of 在…中央 There is a park in the center of the city.
29. in the sun 在陽光底下 Don’t stay outside in the sun for a long time. You may get sunburned.
30. in the snow 在雪中 You must wear a good pair of sunglasses in the snow.
31. in the storm 在暴風雨中 We got stuck in the storm.
32. in the future 在未來 I plan to buy an island in the future.
33. in the past 在過去 We suffered a lot in the past.
34. in the present 在現在 We become husband and wife in the present.
35.in the world = on earth 在世界上 There are many races in the world.
36. in order to 為了 I study hard in order to enter a good high school.
37. stay in bed 生病臥床 Patients have to stay in bed all day.
38. keep/stay in touch with…與…保持聯絡
39. in other words(換句話說)
40.be in the shape of (以…的形狀)
41. in the mountains 在山上
42. in the pond 在池塘裡
43. in the water在水裡
44. in the end最後
1. hear from 收到….消息、來信 It’s a long time that I haven’t heard from you.
2. borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物 Can I borrow some money from you?
3. graduate from 從…畢業 I graduated from Kaohsiung senior high school.
4. be tired from…. 因…疲憊I was pretty tired from working all night.
5. be tired of 對….感到厭倦 I am tired of doing the laundry.
6.. be absent from 缺席 Helen was absent from class.
7. from time to time = sometimes = now and then 偶爾、有時候
8. from bad to worse每況愈下、越來越糟 The economy has gone from bad to worse.
9. from top to bottom = from head to toe 徹底地
The government must examine the quality of oil from top to bottom for the consumers.
10. from the bottom of one’s heart 打從心裡
I really admire you from the bottom of my heart.
- 國中會考片語總整理1
- 國中英語會考片語總整理2
- 國中英語會考片語總整理3
- 國中會考英語片語總整理4
- 會考英語片語總整理5
- 會考英語片語總整理6
- 國中會考英語基本片語總整理7
- 國中會考英語片語總整理8
- 國中會考英文片語9
- 國中會考英語片語總整理10
- 國中英語會考片語總整理11
- 全民英檢初級片語 GEPT basic
- 中級英檢必備英文片語
- 中級英檢必備英文片語2
- 中級英檢必背英文片語3
- 中級英檢必備英文片語4
- 中級英檢必備英文片語5
- 中級英檢必備英文片語6
- 中級英檢必備英文片語7
- 中級英檢必備英文片語8
- 中級英檢必備英文片語9
- 中級英檢必備英文片語10
- 中級英檢英文片語
- 中級/中高級英檢片語 1
- 升大學必背英文片語 1
- 升大學學測指考英文片語2
- 大學學測英文片語3
- 學測必背英文片語4
- 升大學學測英檢片語5
- 大學學測片語6
- 英文避免某人做某事怎麼說
- be acclimated to N/V-ing 英文適應片語總整理
- be made from be made of 差別在哪裡
- have difficulty ving 很難從事…片語
- be responsible for sth. 對…負責
- Sb. be impressed with Sth 對…有印象
- 開心高興英文怎麼說be delighted to VR
- A substitute for B A取代B文法句型
- ASAP as soon as possible 盡可能
- go on vs. continue文法
- in order to 為了…目的
- used to VR/be used to V-ing/be used to 差異
- It is no use Ving 做…沒有用
- regard A as B 視A為B 片語
- make it possible for 人to V使某人能文法
- have no choice but to RV 無法選擇,不得不
- Be known for, Be known as, Be known to差別
- work in /work for /work out /work at
- Give sb. a hand vs Give sb. a big hand
- 區別A與B怎麼說 A be different from B
- 動詞 sb of sth英文句型 accuse 人of 事
- 說服某人做某事英文怎麼說 persuade sb. into v-ing
- account for sth 用法
- out of fashion out of 系列片語
- be in the habit of Ving 養成~的習慣英文怎麼說
- take turns V-ing輪流做某事英文怎麼說
- keep 用法 片語
- way 片語
- mean to vr 打算做及mean ving 意思是
- 顏色英語片語
- How about ving? 你認為…如何?(建議做某事)
- time 一字多義 片語
- differ in differ from differ with 用法
- 竭盡全力做某事 spare no effort to VR
- sth occurs to sb 某人想到某事英文
- not give sb the time of day 不理睬某人 英文怎麼說
- look up sth look片語 look up to sb
- 托福聽力常用短語 all thumbs
- drop out of school ask片語 justice 用法
- blow one’s mind 意思 mind 片語
- 動物英文諺語
- 水果相關英文諺語
- 服裝相關英文片語 這些片語的意思你猜對了嗎
- eye眼睛英文片語 not bat an eye