- above all 尤其是;最重要的是
He is hardworking, considerate, and above all, honest.
- above 不屑於;超出….的理解範圍
He is not above asking questions. 他不以問問題為恥。.
This book is above / beyond me. 這本書我看不懂。
- abandon oneself to + O 放棄;放縱
Don’t abandon yourself to despair. 別自暴自棄。
- by accident 無意中 cf. on purpose 故意地
I discovered the secret by accident. 我無意中發現那秘密。
- all walks of life = every walk of life 各行各業
I know people from all walks of life. 我認識各行各業的人。
- automatically = by itself 自動地
The light went off/out by itself. 那燈自動熄滅了。
- account for 解釋;說明;引起
Stage fright accounted for her bad performance.
There is no accounting for tastes. 人各有所好。
- take + O + into account = take + O + into consideration 將~列入考慮
We should take the traffic condition into consideration. 我們應將交通情況列入考慮.
- of no account = of no importance 不重要
It is of no account whether (or not) he is rich. 他是否富有並不重要.
- have access to + O 有接近、使用~的權利或方法
Students have access to all the books in the library.
- according to + O 根據
According to the Bible, God created the world in six days.
- be accused of 被控訴
He was accused of taking bribes. 他被控受賄。
- be/get/become accustomed to + O 習慣於;適應
= be/get/become used to + O
He is still not accustomed to so much homework and so many tests.
- acquaint oneself with 熟悉;通曉
A lawyer should acquaint himself with the facts of every case he handles.
- be/get acquainted with + O 熟悉 ~ ;認識 ~
make the acquaintance of sb. 與 ~ 認識
= make sb.’s acquaintance
When did you get acquainted with her ?
= When did you make the acquaintance of her ?
= When did you make her acquaintance? 你什麼時候認識她的?
- put + O + into action = put + O + into practice
= put + O + into force 使付諸實行;使生效
The government put the law into force last month. 上個月政府宣佈這法律生效。
- adapt oneself to +O 使自己適應於 ~
= adjust oneself to +O
= accommodate oneself to + O
You should learn to adapt yourself to the new environment.
- be adapted for 被改編以適合 ~
Shakespeare’s plays have been adapted for most audience.
- be addicted to + O 沉溺於;對~上癮
= addict oneself to + O
= be hooked on + O
He is addicted to drugs. = He is hooked on drugs. 他沉溺於毒品。
- avail oneself of = make use of 利用
You should avail yourself of every chance to practice speaking English.
- 國中會考片語總整理1
- 國中英語會考片語總整理2
- 國中英語會考片語總整理3
- 國中會考英語片語總整理4
- 會考英語片語總整理5
- 會考英語片語總整理6
- 國中會考英語基本片語總整理7
- 國中會考英語片語總整理8
- 國中會考英文片語9
- 國中會考英語片語總整理10
- 國中英語會考片語總整理11
- 全民英檢初級片語 GEPT basic
- 中級英檢必備英文片語
- 中級英檢必備英文片語2
- 中級英檢必背英文片語3
- 中級英檢必備英文片語4
- 中級英檢必備英文片語5
- 中級英檢必備英文片語6
- 中級英檢必備英文片語7
- 中級英檢必備英文片語8
- 中級英檢必備英文片語9
- 中級英檢必備英文片語10
- 中級英檢英文片語
- 中級/中高級英檢片語 1
- 升大學必背英文片語 1
- 升大學學測指考英文片語2
- 大學學測英文片語3
- 學測必背英文片語4
- 升大學學測英檢片語5
- 大學學測片語6
- 英文避免某人做某事怎麼說
- be acclimated to N/V-ing 英文適應片語總整理
- be made from be made of 差別在哪裡
- have difficulty ving 很難從事…片語
- be responsible for sth. 對…負責
- Sb. be impressed with Sth 對…有印象
- 開心高興英文怎麼說be delighted to VR
- A substitute for B A取代B文法句型
- ASAP as soon as possible 盡可能
- go on vs. continue文法
- in order to 為了…目的
- used to VR/be used to V-ing/be used to 差異
- It is no use Ving 做…沒有用
- regard A as B 視A為B 片語
- make it possible for 人to V使某人能文法
- have no choice but to RV 無法選擇,不得不
- Be known for, Be known as, Be known to差別
- work in /work for /work out /work at
- Give sb. a hand vs Give sb. a big hand
- 區別A與B怎麼說 A be different from B
- 動詞 sb of sth英文句型 accuse 人of 事
- 說服某人做某事英文怎麼說 persuade sb. into v-ing
- account for sth 用法
- out of fashion out of 系列片語
- be in the habit of Ving 養成~的習慣英文怎麼說
- take turns V-ing輪流做某事英文怎麼說
- keep 用法 片語
- way 片語
- mean to vr 打算做及mean ving 意思是
- 顏色英語片語
- How about ving? 你認為…如何?(建議做某事)
- time 一字多義 片語
- differ in differ from differ with 用法
- 竭盡全力做某事 spare no effort to VR
- sth occurs to sb 某人想到某事英文
- not give sb the time of day 不理睬某人 英文怎麼說
- look up sth look片語 look up to sb
- 托福聽力常用短語 all thumbs
- drop out of school ask片語 justice 用法
- blow one’s mind 意思 mind 片語
- 動物英文諺語
- 水果相關英文諺語
- 服裝相關英文片語 這些片語的意思你猜對了嗎
- eye眼睛英文片語 not bat an eye