

big fish(小地方的)重要人物

clam up 不發一語

paper tiger 紙老虎

night owl夜貓子

turn turtle 船隻翻覆

crocodile tears假好心

eat like a pig 狼吞虎嚥

doggy bag打包袋;剩菜袋

smell a rat 懷疑事有蹊蹺

ants in one’s pants 坐立難安

cat got one’s tongue啞口無言

cat and dog life爭論不休的生活

swim with the fishes 遇害身亡

a little bird told me…我聽説⋯

like a moth to a flame 飛蛾撲火

sitting duck 容易受上當的人

dead duck (因過錯或判斷失誤造成的)劣勢,不太可能成功的人(或事物)。沒救了

as mad as a hornet生氣、憤怒

lion’s share不公平(最大)的分配

throw pearls to the pigs 暴殄天物

the birds and the bees 基本的性知識

brass monkey weather 極冷的天氣

have a memory like an elephant 記性過人

make a monkey (out)of sb 愚弄某人,使其出醜

dead as a dodo不復存在,徹底消失

fat cat 肥貓,有權有勢却自視甚高的人

pull a rabbit out of one’s hat 突施妙計

like a cat that got the cream 愉悅,滿足

eat like a horse 食量大

eat like a bird 食量小

kangaroo court不公平的審判,私設公堂

put the cat among the pigeons引起軒然大波

queen bee 女王蜂,團體內最重要的女性成員

the world is one’s oyster得心應手,無往不利

elephant in the room 心照不宣、避而不談的事

If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.近朱者,近墨者黑。

One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。勿以偏概全。
