

apple蘋果You are the apple of my eye.你是我的掌上明珠。
Apple (蘋果)An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
banana香蕉He is driving me bananas!他快要把我逼瘋了!
cherry櫻桃Life is just a bowl of cherry.生活真是美好。
coconut椰子That accounts for the milk in the coconut.原來如此。
grape葡萄It’s a case of sour grapes.吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸。
lemon檸檬When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.人生要樂觀,永不放棄。
kiwi奇異果He is a kiwi husband.他是個顧家的好男人。
plum梅子A black plum is as sweet as a white.人不可貌相。
Peach (桃子)You’re a peach! “你真好”或“你真可愛”。
Pineapple (鳳梨)It’s as sweet as a pineapple.某事物非常美好或甜美
Orange (橙子)Go orange! 一句支持或鼓勵的話,常見於運動場合。
ig (無花果)Give a fig.
“不在乎”或“不關心” “I don’t give a fig about it.”意思是“我一點也不在乎”。  
Lime (酸橙)That’s the lime of the matter.“問題的根本”或“關鍵所在”。
Watermelon (西瓜)Like a watermelon in the sun.
Strawberry (草莓)Life is like a bowl of strawberries.生活像草莓一樣美好,象徵生活中甜美的部分。  
Cantaloupe (哈密瓜)He’s a melon-head.指某人有點愚蠢或笨拙。
Apricot (杏子)A golden apricot is sweet on the outside, but sour on the inside.
