哪些動詞後接不定詞(to VR)

哪些動詞後接不定詞(to VR)

主詞+get(使)+受詞+to VR(原型動詞). 主詞使受詞做某事

A tell(告訴) B to VR My mother told me to do the homework right now.(我媽告訴我立刻寫作業。)

A cause(肇因) B to VR

A compel(強迫) B to VR

A ask(要求) B to VR Judy asked her mother to make a cake for her.

A order(命令) B to VR

A allow(允許) B to VR Cindy allows her son to go shopping with her girlfriend.

A permit(准許) B to VR Sam permitted his son to stay up late.

A teach(教) B to VR I teach my student to have a good behavior.

A want(要)B to VR She wants Hank to buy a dog for her.

A advise(忠告) B to VR The doctor advised his patient to quit smoking.

A beg(乞求) B to VR The robber begged the police to release him.

A challenge(挑戰) B to VR

A convince (說服) B to VR

A encourage(激勵) B to VR

A expect(預期) B to VR

A forbid ( 禁止) sb to VR

A force( 強迫) sb. to VR

A hire(雇用) B to VR

A instruct(指導) B to vr

A invite(邀請) B to RV

A persuade(說服) B to VR

A remind(提醒) B to VR

A require(要求) B to VR

A urge(驅策) B to VR

A warn(警告) B to VR

這些動詞雖然有「使役」的意思,但語氣不及(make,have,let)強烈,因此使用不定詞 to VR

Tony reminds me to take the homework home every day.  Tony每天提醒我帶回家作業回家。

Cindy hires a babysitter to take care of her children. Cindy 雇用了一位保母照顧她的小孩。

My mother allows me to go home late.(我母親允許我晚回家)

 The bright light caused her to blink.明亮的光線刺得她直眨眼睛。

Cindy asked her boyfriend to buy a piece of cake.Cindy要求她男友買一塊蛋糕。

Kent taught her daughter to be honest.Kent教導她的女兒要誠實。

I’d like to eat some bread.我想吃一些麵包。

Tina told Judy to go home quickly.Tina告知Judy要外點回家。
