Someday 「未來的某一天」搭配未來式
Someday, you will see all the things your parents have been doing is for your own good.
For one’s own good = for one’s sake = put oneself in one’s shoes 為某人著想
One day 未來的某一天
I will be a doctor one day. 我未來某一天將成為醫生。
Someone broke the window one day. 過去某一天有人打破了窗戶。
the other day 前幾天
David heard from his old friend the other day. 戴衛前幾天有他老朋友的消息。
Some other day 則是改天,搭配未來式
Cindy isn’t here. Maybe you can come some other day. Cindy不在這裡。或許你可以改天再來。
These days 現在 最近
How have you been these days? 最近過得怎麼樣?
The weather has been quite hot these days. (最近的天氣有點熱。)
Those days 過去 從前
In those days, people didn’t have smartphones. (在那時候,人們沒有智能手機。)
“These days” is used for the present time or a current period.
“Those days” is used when referring to the past, typically with a sense of nostalgia or comparison.
One of those days 倒楣的日子
It’s just been one of those days.今天真倒楣.
- 英文字母大寫規則 Capitalization
- 英文人稱代名詞、名詞單複數
- am is are was were 與do does did done
- 主詞 所有格 受格 所有格代名詞 反身代名詞表
- N of N所有格 非生命所有格
- 指示代名詞this that these those 文法
- 時間介係詞 on in at
- 時間介係詞 in at on 介係詞總整理
- talk speak say tell 都是說差別在哪裡?
- 附加問句文法
- 附和句文法
- 交通工具搭乘文法
- Here倒裝句文法
- Have 用法總整理1
- Have 用法總整理2
- take用法總整理
- 英文被動語態文法
- 沒有被動語態的動詞
- 被動語態(感官&使役&授與動詞)
- 後位修飾法 形容詞片語修飾名詞
- 情緒形容詞(過去分詞)文法
- too…to/enough to/So … that…/such that 文法
- Yes or No 疑問句改間接問句
- 間接問句文法講義 練習題
- As long as /as soon as 文法
- 雙字片語可分式片語與不可分式片語總整理
- 英文字尾er or ist 職業英文單字
- late latter later latest last 文法
- die death dead 用法與片語
- someday/one day /the order day/some other day 用法
- Thank 人 for 事為某事感謝某人 感嘆句文法
- A marry B A和B結婚英文怎麼說
- 英文時間地點哪個先寫
- have a big sale/on sale/for sale 意思
- on time/in time/at the end of/in the end差異
- fill與stuff 使用差異
- 幾分之幾英文怎麼說
- Help文法句型 幫助某人片語