建築物 | is | across from | 某地 |
next to | |||
in front of in back of | |||
in the middle of | 某城鎮/某地區 | ||
on the corner of | 甲地 and 乙地 | ||
between | 甲地 and 乙地 | ||
on the right. on the left. |
The temple is across from the bakery.(寺廟就在麵包店對面。)
The railway station is in the middle of the city.(火車站就在城市的中央。)
The church is on the corner of First Street and Seventh Road.
The coffee shop is on the right. (咖啡店在你的右手邊)
The flower shop is between the book store and the pet store. (花店在書店與寵物店中間)
Excuse me. Can you show me / us the way to + 地點 ?
Excuse me. Can you show us the way to the city library?
Excuse me. How do I / we get to + 地點 ?
Excuse me. How do I get to the railway station? (對不起。我要怎麼去火車站?)
Excuse me. How do I get to Taipei Zoo? (對不起。我要怎麼去台北市立動物園?)
英文指路 回答別人問路英文
Go/Walk down + 路 / 街名.
Go down Park Road.(順著公園路往下走。)
Go down the road / street for one block.(沿著路往下走一個街區。)
Go down the road / street for about one minute.(沿著路往下走大約一分鐘。)
Go along + 路 / 街名.
Go along Fifth Street.(沿著第五街走。)
Go along Second Road. (沿著第二路走。)
Go straight for + 距離.
Go straight for three blocks.(直走三個街區。)
Walk straight for five meters. (直走五公尺。)
Go past + 建物.
Go past the bridge.(走過這個橋。)
過馬路或過橋則用walk across the street/bridge。
沿著河邊或河岸會用walk along the river/bank。
Turn right / left at + 建築物 / 街角.
Turn right at the corner.(在街角右轉。)
Turn right / left at the bank.(在銀行那裡右轉/左轉。)
Turn right / left at the next traffic light.(在下一個紅綠燈右轉/左轉。)
Turn right / left on Park Road.(在公園路右轉/左轉。)
Cross + 路名 / 街名.= Go across +路名 / 街名
Cross Johnson Road.(穿越強生路。)
Go across Park Street. (穿越公園街。)
動詞 | 介系詞 | 字義 | 強調 |
pass | past | 經過 | 從旁邊經過 |
cross | across | 越過 | 穿過某一平面 |
Pass the bank.=Walk past the bank.(走過銀行。)
Cross the street.=Walk across the street.(過馬路。)
Take Bus (Number) 123 and get off at+站名. ( 搭123路公車,然後在……站下車。)
Please take bus number 307 and get off at Taipei Main Station. (請搭307公車,然後在台北火車站下車)
Take the MRT and get off at+站名.(搭捷運,然後在……站下車。)
Take the MRT and get off at Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station. (搭捷運然後在中正紀念堂下車。)
No Parking. 禁止停車。
Traffic light. 紅綠燈。
hook turn 兩段式左轉。
Walk signal 行人號誌。
Parking lot 停車場。
crosswalk 行人穿越道/斑馬線
gas station 加油站
intersection 十字路口
( A )1.Smith’s Restaurant is three ______away.
(A) blocks(B) cases(C) maps(D) reports
( B )2.A: ________ is Bridge Tower?
B: Look! It’s over there, just next to the park.
(A) How(B) Where(C) Why(D) Who
( B )3.The department store is ________the bakery and the police station.
(A) on the corner(B) between(C) on the right(D) cross
( D )4.A: How do I ______ your coffee shop?
B: Go down Ocean Street. You’ll see the coffee shop on your right.
(A) get off(B) get on(C) get into(D) get to
( C )5.A: Can you show us the way to the bank?
B: ______ the police station. The bank is in front of it.
(A) Go straight(B) Walk across(C) Walk past(D) Go down
( B )6.If you want to visit the old building, turn right ______the corner.
(A) in(B) at(C) for(D) with
( D )7.Go straight ______ one block, and the bakery is _______ your left.
(A) for; in(B) on; for(C) in; on(D) for; on
Go straight for three blocks, and you’ll see the police station.
Excuse me. Can / Could you show me the way to the airport?
3.Judy 的學校就在Happy Road和Lucky Street的轉角處。
Judy’s school is on the corner of Happy Road and Lucky Street.
The pond is in the middle of the park.
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- What’s the temperature today? 今天溫度幾度?
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- 旅行英文 入住旅館check in 怎麼說
- 交通號誌英文 Traffic light traffic signals
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- 英文指路與問路文法
- 詢問方向或問路英文
- 英文方位 east north
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- 英文生活實用句型15句 Let me think.
- 英文電話用語
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- as…as…像~一樣 動物比喻
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- How would you like your steak? 牛排幾分熟?
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- 英文付費方式怎麼說
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- 英文數字讀法
- eat or drink soup 吃湯還是喝湯?
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- use your noodle 中文 英文食物引申意義
- You are killing me 不是殺了我 roll my eyes意思