未來式will 直述句
S | will be going to | Vr | 未來時間 in + 時間 |
be about to即將 | 很短暫時間內 |
(1) I will visit Uncle Tom next week.(我下禮拜將拜訪 Tom 叔叔。)
→說話當下決定下週要拜訪 Tom 叔叔
(2) They will have a karaoke night on Friday.(他們在禮拜五將會有一個卡拉 OK 之夜。)
→ 說話的人相信他們在禮拜五會有一個卡拉 OK 之夜
- will 是助動詞,它放在一般動詞的前面,它後面的動詞要用原形動詞。
- will 的否定形式為 will not,縮寫為 won’t。
this+一段時間 | this week(這個禮拜) this Friday(這個禮拜五) this year(今年) this Christmas(今年耶誕節) this weekend(這個週末) this month(這個月) this morning /afternoon/evening | 需依說話者的說話時間而定 (上下文語境) 也有可能是過去式。 |
next+一段時間 | next Sunday(下個禮拜日) next year(明年) next month(下個月) next spring (明年春天) | |
tomorrow | tomorrow morning(明天早上) tomorrow afternoon(明天下午) tomorrow evening (明天傍晚) tomorrow night(明天晚上) tomorrow (明天) | |
in+時間 | in two days(兩天後) in five minutes(五分鐘後) in two weeks(兩個禮拜後) | 在某時間之後 |
in/on +特定時間 | in the future (未來) on Christmas (聖誕節) | |
其他 | the day after tomorrow(後天) some other day (改天) later (稍後) soon(不久之後) | |
by+特定時間 | by tomorrow (明天之前) by next week (下週前) by then (在那時之前) | (在~之前)不晚於某個時間點 (常用於完成式) |
- John 下個禮拜天將去看他外婆。John will visit his grandmother next Sunday.
- 他們明天將要去游泳。 They will go swimming tomorrow.
- 我和我家人這週末要一起去參觀博物館。My family and I will visit the museum together this weekend.
- Peter 將會和我們一起去公園玩。Peter will play with us in the park.
- Teresa 將會買下一隻小狗。 Teresa will buy a puppy.
- Tina 下週不會出席會議。Tina won’t attend the meeting next week.
- 我姊姊明天下午將不會去百貨公司。 My sister will not (won’t) go to the department store tomorrow afternoon.
未來式will 疑問句和答句
疑問句 | Will+主詞+原形動詞(+未來時間)? |
肯定簡答/詳答 | Yes, 主詞+will./Yes, 主詞+will+原形動詞(+未來時間). |
否定簡答/詳答 | No, 主詞+won’t./No, 主詞+will+not+原形動詞(+未來時間) |
Will Jane go with us?(Jane 將和我們一起去嗎?)
Yes, she will. She will go with us. No, she won’t. She will not go with us.
1.他們下個月將會去健行嗎? Will they go hiking next month?
是的,他們將會。Yes, they will. 不,他們不會。No,they won’t.
2.Tina 明天將要去游泳嗎? Will Tina go swimming tomorrow?
是的,她會。Yes, she will. 不,她不會。 No,she won’t.
未來式be going to 直述句
句型:「主詞+be going to+原形動詞…(未來式的時間副詞).」
(1) John is going to have a picnic next Saturday.(John 下禮拜六將要去野餐。)
(2) Look at the monkey. It’s going to jump.(看那那隻猴子。它快要跳下來了。)
→ 因為看到當下猴子的動作,所以才說它快要跳下來了
- be going to 後面的動詞要用原形動詞。
- be going to 的否定形式是在 be 動詞後面加 not。
主詞 | I | You | He | She | They | It | We |
BE動詞 | am | are | is | is | are | is | are |
- 我即將騎摩托車去上班。I am going to ride the scooter to work.
- 他們即將在公車站牌相遇。They are going to meet at the bus stop.
- 約翰即將在七點前完成工作。John is going to finish the work before seven.
- 他們下週日將不會去衝浪。They aren’t going to go surfing next Sunday.
- 我們下次不會住在這間旅館。We are not going to stay this hotel next time.
未來式be going to 疑問句和答句
疑問句句型:「Be 動詞+主詞+going to+原形動詞…(+未來式的時間副詞)?」
Are you going to sweep the yard? (你即將掃院子嗎?)
答句:「Yes, 主詞+be 動詞(going to).」「主詞+be going to+原形動詞….」
「No, 代名詞+be 動詞+not(going to).」「主詞+be not going to+原形動詞….」
Yes, I am. I am going to sweep the yard.
No, I am not. I am not going to sweep the yard.
- 1.你們今晚不煮晚餐了嗎? Aren’t you going to cook dinner tonight?
- 不,我們今晚煮晚餐。Yes, we are. 是的,我們今晚不煮晚餐。No, we aren’t.
- 2.Cindy 明年即將出國嗎? Is Cindy going to go abroad next year?
- 是的,她即將出國。Yes, she is. 不,她即將不出國。 No, she isn’t.
疑問詞 | be動詞 | 主詞 | going to | 原形動詞 | 時間副詞? |
What | are | you | going to | do | later? |
主詞 | be動詞+going to | 原形動詞 | 時間副詞. |
I | am going to | do my homework | later. |
- 1.Kate下週即將做什麼? What is Kate going to do next week?
- 她即將完成報告。 She is going to finish the report.
- 2.Hank與Tom明天即將做什麼? What are Hand and Tom going to do tomorrow?
- 他們即將去滑雪。 They are going to go skiing.
will與be going to 的差別
已經確定的計畫或意圖時使用be going to 。
( D ) 1. Diana: Dad, could you pick me up around six tomorrow evening? I have classes until then.
Charles: Sure, honey. ______you at the school gate. 【111-補-21】
(A) I waited for (B) I wait for (C) I’m waiting for (D) I’ll wait for
( D ) 2. Annie ________ us this weekend? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I really want to see her, but I’ve told Grandpa I’ll help him on the farm. 【111-補-11】
(A) met (B) has met (C) meets (D) is going to meet
( D ) 3. My sister is coming to my home today. She____with me for a week. 【110-7】
(A) stays (B) stayed (C) has stayed (D) will stay
( B ) 4. Our teacher Ms. Wu seldom laughs, but when she_________, everyone in the same building can hear her. 【110-6】
(A) can (B) does (C) has (D) will
( D ) 5._______that last piece of pie? If not, can I have it? I didn’t eat much this morning.
(A) Had you eaten (B) Were you eating
(C) Do you eat (D) Are you going to eat 【108-11】
( A ) 6. Lily: When will Uncle Tom come to see me?
Mom: He’ll visit us this weekend. He _________me that by e-mail. 【102-18】
(A) told (B) tells (C) will tell (D) was going to tell
( D ) 7. Abby: Too bad you couldn’t come to the beach with us. It was so much fun there! You must come next time.
Bree: No, thanks. I don’t think _______ any fun. I can’t swim. 【101-19】
(A) I was having (B) I’ve had (C) I have (D) I’ll have
( D ) 8. Nana: Did you mail the cards to your teachers?
Annie: No, I want to check them again. I________ them after dinner. 【100-北-20】
(A) mailed (B) mail (C) have mailed (D) will mail
( B ) 9. ____will be a welcome party next week for the new students. Will you come with me?
(A) It (B) There (C) They (D) We 【94-1-15】
( C ) 10. Lisa: What_________this morning?
Tina: Well, it’s Sunday. I think I’ll go to church with my father. 【92-2-17】
(A) have you done (B) were you doing (C) are you going to do (D) have you done
- am is are was were 與do does did done
- 現在簡單式─第三人稱單數
- 現在進行式文法
- do does 英文文法
- 頻率副詞文法 always usually often sometimes seldom never
- How often詢問頻率 多常做某事
- 過去式BE動詞was were文法句型
- 過去式動詞變化規則與發音
- 過去式文法句型
- 過去進行式英文文法
- 未來式 Will & be going to
- 現在完成式文法
- 過去完成式 英文文法
- 過去完成進行式
- 未來完成進行式 will have been ving by the time
- 英文文法時態總整理
- 英文動詞三態變化記憶口訣