
take a plane搭飛機

She took a plane to Japan last night.(她昨晚搭飛機去日本了。)

get on a plane 上飛機 get off a plane 下飛機

take off 飛機起飛 The airplane will take off at five p.m.(飛機將在下午五點起飛。)

land (v.) 飛機降落

You can land a plane on water in an emergency.緊急情況下你可以將飛機降落在水上。

ride a bike 騎腳踏車

Leon rode his new bike to work.(Leon騎他的新腳踏車上班。)

get on a bike  騎上腳踏車  get off a bike從腳踏車下來

scooter (n.) 輕型機車  motorcycle (n.) 重型機車

take a taxi 搭計程車  drive the taxi 開計程車

I took a taxi from my school to the museum.(我從學校搭計程車去博物館。)

get in the taxi 上計程車 get out of the taxi 下計程車

parking space 停車位 複數為 parking spaces

It’s difficult to find a parking space here.(這裡很難找到停車位。)parking lot 停車場
