to ving

動詞後to為介係詞時 後面要接n.或Ving,以下的動詞片語中的to後加ving或名詞

反對: object to + Ving = be opposed to + Ving 

He is opposed to abolishing the death penalty. (他反對廢除死刑)

習慣於:be used to + Ving = be accustomed to + Ving

I’m not accustomed to living in Japan. (我不習慣住在日本)

I am not used to driving. (我不習慣開車)

考慮:give thought to + Ving

Helen gives thought to accepting the proposal. (Helen 考慮接受那個提案)

喜歡:take to + Ving 

He’s taken to staying out very late.( 他開始經常很晚才回來)

盼望;期待:look forward to + Ving

I look forward to studying aborad.(我期望出國念書)

專心;致力於:be devoted to + Ving = devote oneself to + Ving

= be dedicated to + Ving = dedicate oneself to + Ving= apply oneself to + Ving

=be committed to V-ing

She is devoted to helping the feral cats. (她致力於幫助流浪貓)

要不要…?:What do you say to + Ving ?

….目的為了:…. with a view to + Ving

因為:owing to + Ving = due to + Ving

With a view to improving my English, I practice every day.

in addition to ving

In addition to asking your teacher some questions , try to find the answer by yourself.除了詢問老師問題外,也請試著自己找出答案。


After graduating from university, Jessie ________ teaching children in a mountainous village.

(A) loved to (B) used to (C) dedicated to (D) was devoted to


Ans: D

(A) love to VR (B) used to VR (C) be dedicated to ving
