鬼月該做與不該做的事 The Dos & Don’ts

鬼月該做與不該做的事 The Dos & Don’ts of Taiwan’s Ghost Month


迷信 superstitions

風俗習慣 customs

靈異自然現象 supernatural phenomena

禁忌 taboo

絕不在夜晚吹口哨 Never whistle at night


Whistling at night will attract wandering ghosts who will follow you home.

不要在晚上曬衣服Don’t hang out clothes to dry at night.


Never hang the laundry out to dry at night during Ghost Month.

The Wandering ghost will get into your clothes at night and the next day you will bring them to your house unwittingly.

不宜戲水Do not do water-related activities.

抓交替 The ghosts in the water grab someone as a replacement


Stay away from the water during the seventh month of the lunar calendar. It is said the spirits of drowning victims might try to drown swimmers to have a second chance at rebirth.

不要叫他人全名Do not call someone’s name.

傳聞呼喚別人全名容易引來孤魂野鬼的捉弄。Call在這裡是動詞,有「呼叫」的意思。call someone’s name為「叫某人名字」的意思,但如果去掉所有格並把name改成複數,call someone names是「污辱,謾罵」的意思。

不要在室內撐傘Don’t open/hold an umbrella indoors.


不要在鬼月時修房子Don’t do any house repairs

不搬新家Don’t move into a new home

不結婚Don’t get married

如果有人拍你肩膀不要回頭Don’t turn your head if someone pats your shoulder

不要靠牆Don’t lean against a wall

不要再樹上尿尿Don’t pee on a tree


普渡 Zhongyuan Pudu   中元節Hungry Ghost Festival


People make offerings to the hungry ghosts on any day throughout Ghost Month.


燒紙錢ghost money


艾草 Mugwort

驅毒避邪 warding off disease and evil spirits

Be possessed by a spirit 卡到陰被鬼魂附身
