

May I take your order now?可以幫您點餐了嗎?

What would you like to order?您想要點些什麼呢?

Are you all ready to order your food now?你們都準備好要點吃的了嗎?

What would you like to eat today?今天想吃些什麼呢?

Is that all? Would you like anything else?這樣就好了嗎?還需要其他的嗎?

Would you like dessert or coffee?想要甜點或來杯咖啡嗎?


Can we have a few more minutes, please?可以再給我們幾分鐘嗎?

“We’re still deciding. Can we have a few more minutes, please?”


I’d like/I’ll have … for the starter/appetizer.  前菜我想點……

“I’d like the Caesar salad for the appetizer, please.”(前菜我想要凱薩沙拉,謝謝。)

I’d like/I’ll have … for the main course.主菜我想點……

“I’ll have the grilled chicken for the main course.”(主菜我想要烤雞肉。)

What would you recommend?你推薦什麼菜呢?

“What would you recommend for someone who likes seafood?”


What are today’s specials?今日特餐是什麼呢?

“What are today’s specials? I’m interested in trying something new.”


I am a vegetarian.我吃素。

“I’m a vegetarian, so I’ll have the vegetable stir-fry.”


Does this contain meat/nuts/dairy? 這道菜有肉/堅果/乳製品嗎?

“Does this soup contain dairy? I’m lactose intolerant.”


I am allergic to …我對……過敏。

“I’m allergic to peanuts, so please make sure the dish doesn’t contain any.”


What’s the soup of the day?今天有什麼湯呢?

“What’s the soup of the day? I’m in the mood for something warm.”


Make sure about the portion size(確認分量)

Is the portion large enough for one person?這道菜的分量夠一個人吃嗎?

“I’m not sure if the portion is big enough for me. Is the portion large enough for one person?”


Customize the order(量身訂製餐點-客製化)

Can I get that without [ingredient]?可以不加[食材]嗎?

“Can I get the sandwich without mayonnaise?”(可以不加美乃滋嗎?)

Check the ingredients(確認食材)

What’s in this dish?這道菜裡有什麼食材?

“What’s in the grilled chicken dish? Is it spicy?”



“Could I get a to-go box, please?”打包剩菜


請問你想點些什麼?What would you like to order?

你對海鮮過敏嗎?Are you allergic to seafood?

今天有什麼湯?What’s the soup of the day?

你推薦什麼主菜?What would you recommend for the main course?

我想點一份蔬菜沙拉。I’d like a vegetable salad.

請問這道菜有堅果嗎?Does this dish contain nuts?

你能建議一些素食菜品嗎?Can you recommend some vegetarian dishes?
