lie 用法 (lie, lay, lain)
lie v. 位於,位在=sit, be located
The school lies in the mountains and is surrounded by trees.
The temple lies/sits on a hill.那間廟坐落於山上。
The Queen’s head lies in northern Taiwan. 女王頭位於北台灣。
be located in/on/at 位於
in (國家、城市、地區)
The new factory will be located in Kaohsiung. 新工廠將會位於高雄。
The new swimming pool will be located in the center of city. 新的游泳池將會位於市中心。
on (樓層、範圍較小的地點)
My office is located on the fifth floor. 我的辦公室位於5樓。
at (地址、某特定地點)
He is located at Cindy’s house. 他位於辛蒂家。
lie 躺下v. (lie, lay, lain)
He lay down on the bed to take a nap. 他躺在床上小睡一下。
lie 說謊v. (lie, lied, lied)
Don’t believe him. He usually lies to people. 不要相信他。他經常對人說謊。
lie to sb. 對某人說謊。
lie n. 謊言
He told a lie to his teacher to avoid punishments. 他為了避開處罰而對老師說謊。
tell a lie to sb. 對某人說謊。
liar n. 說謊者
He is such a liar. 他是個騙子。
lay v. (lay, laid, laid) 置放;擺設(餐桌);下蛋(產卵)
She laid her baby in the crib gently. 她輕輕地把嬰兒放在嬰兒床裡。
Please lay the packages on the floor. 請把包裹放在地板上。
Mark is laying the table now, and we are going to eat dinner together. Mark正在擺設餐桌,而且我們正要一起用晚餐。
The hen lays an egg a day. 那隻母雞每天生一個蛋。
lay out 展開; 展示; 擺出
The yard has been laid out as a garden. 院子佈置成了一個花園。
lay off 解僱; 停止使用/停止騷擾
After the fire, 100 worker were laid off work.在火災之後,100名員工被解雇。
Lay me off, can’t you? 請別打擾我行不行?
- 大學學測4000單字與大學指考7000單字
- GEPT 中高級英文單字 中英文對照表
- 1200單字 教育部國中小基本英語字彙
- 英文字尾er or ist 職業英文單字
- 字尾ist單字
- 字尾ee er
- 職業工作英語怎麼說
- lie 用法 lie lay lain lied laid
- high/highly/hard/hardly/late/lately 用法
- late latter later latest last 文法
- adapt adopt adept 相似字怎麼用
- assist consist resist用法
- molt dolt bolt colt cult 記憶口訣
- Stature Statute Status Statue 相似字辨別
- 偷東西thief robber burglar looter shoplifter差別
- 易搞混單字 considerate considerable considering
- argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss 的不同使用情況
- imagine imaginative imaginable相似字
- every day everyday的差別 may be maybe
- 易混淆動詞三態 find found fine 發現創立罰款
- harm 用法 do harm to 對……有害
- affect 與effect怎麼分辨
- with 用法總整理
- 跟月亮有關的英文諺語
- dare 用法
- well 用法
- 英文單字記憶法
- isolation isolate isolated用法
- deal 相關片語 deal with/ No big deal
- Own 使用方式 of one’s own /on one’s own
- What is called 被稱為…