imagine v. 想像
Can you imagine a car full of Hello Kitty?
imagine + V-ing想像做……
Can you imagine driving a truck?
imagine sb. + V-ing想像某人……
I can imagine Yuki doing that. It’s typical of her.
imagination n. 想像力
My father has a very vivid imagination.
creative imagination豐富的想像力
in one’s imagination在想像中
The absurd story only exists in Cindy’s imagination.
catch sb.’s imagination引發某人的想像
Those gorgeous curtains caught my imagination.
with a little imagination用一點想像力
With a little imagination you can turn the trash into a useful tool.
a lack of imagination缺乏想像力
To the teacher’s disappointment, most of the students’ works showed a lack of imagination.
imaginative adj. 富有想像力的,有創意的,新穎的
The imaginative use of carrots makes the dish popular.
imaginable adj. 可想像的,想像得到的
The story sells ice cream of every imaginable flavor.
imaginary adj. 想像中的,虛構的
A dragon is an imaginary creature in Chinese folk tales.
- 大學學測4000單字與大學指考7000單字
- GEPT 中高級英文單字 中英文對照表
- 1200單字 教育部國中小基本英語字彙
- 英文字尾er or ist 職業英文單字
- 字尾ist單字
- 字尾ee er
- 職業工作英語怎麼說
- lie 用法 lie lay lain lied laid
- high/highly/hard/hardly/late/lately 用法
- late latter later latest last 文法
- adapt adopt adept 相似字怎麼用
- assist consist resist用法
- molt dolt bolt colt cult 記憶口訣
- Stature Statute Status Statue 相似字辨別
- 偷東西thief robber burglar looter shoplifter差別
- 易搞混單字 considerate considerable considering
- argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss 的不同使用情況
- imagine imaginative imaginable相似字
- every day everyday的差別 may be maybe
- 易混淆動詞三態 find found fine 發現創立罰款
- harm 用法 do harm to 對……有害
- affect 與effect怎麼分辨
- with 用法總整理
- 跟月亮有關的英文諺語
- dare 用法
- well 用法
- 英文單字記憶法
- isolation isolate isolated用法
- deal 相關片語 deal with/ No big deal
- Own 使用方式 of one’s own /on one’s own
- What is called 被稱為…