It’s early morning.(現在是清晨。)→early adj. 修飾morning.
I arrived early.(我早到了。) →副詞,修飾動詞arrive
I run fast in the race. (我在比賽中跑很快)→副詞修飾run
I eat a lot fast food.(我吃很多速食)→形容詞修飾food
The stone is hard.(那顆石頭是硬的)→形容詞修飾stone
This is a hard work. (這是一項艱難的工作。)→形容詞修飾名詞work
We have to work hard every day.(我們必須每天努力工作。)→副詞修飾動詞work
I went to school late this morning.(我今天早上上學遲到。)→副詞修飾went to
I was late for work this morning.(我今天早上上班遲到。)→形容詞
Look ! There is a high mountain over there.
The mountain is 3900 meters high. 這座山有3900米高
形容詞和副詞在字尾加 ly 後意義改變
John was late for school.(約翰上學遲到了。)
John goes to school late. (John上學遲到。)
I haven’t heard from him lately.(最近我一直沒有他的消息。)
near(附近)→ nearly(幾乎)
hard(辛苦)→ hardly(幾乎不)
This is a hard work.(這是個艱難的工作)
I work hard.(我辛勤工作。)
I can hardly work.(我幾乎不能工作。)
high(高)→ highly(極度;非常)
That is a very high mountain.(那是座很高的山。)
He was highly praised for his work.(他的工作頗受讚賞。)
cold(冷)→ coldly(冷冷地)
warm(暖和)→ warmly(熱情地)
hot(熱)→ hotly(憤怒地)
express(表露, 快的, 清楚的, 明確的;明白表示的;特別指出的, 快遞服務)→ expressly(明確清楚)
He is good at expressing his opinions .(他擅長表達自己的意見。)
The act expressly provides for injunctive relief (該法律明文規定了強制令救濟。)
1.close 和closely 用作副詞意義上有差別
Close 是指距離、場所、地點等的“接近,靠近”,可以說是一種實際意義上的“接近”。Close to有“接近,幾乎,大概,差不多”的意思。
We live close to the church.我們住在教堂附近。
They sat close together.他們緊挨著坐在一起。
He came close to losing his temper.他差一點發脾氣了。
Closely 是指抽象意義上的“接近”,多用比喻意義,有“親密地,嚴密地,仔細地”等意思。
The secret must be closely guarded.這個秘密要嚴加保守。
He is looking at the bill closely.他正仔細地看著帳單。
2. most(最) mostly(大都,大部分)
Of all the books here, I like this one most.(在這些書中,我最喜歡這本。)
These books are mostly out of date.(這些書大部分都過時了。)
3. near(近) nearly(幾乎, = almost)
He lives near, not far.(他住在附近,不在遠處。)
He was nearly drowned.(他差點淹死。)
4. high / deep / wide 表實際空間可以丈量的高 / 深 / 寬
highly / deeply / widely 表程度而不指空間的高 / 深 / 寬
The plane flew high in the sky.(飛機高高在天上飛著。)
We spoke highly of him. 我們褒揚他。)
He jumped deep into the river. (他深深跳入水中。)
He was deeply hurt. 他的感情深受傷害。
5. direct(直的—形容詞) direct(直接—副詞)directly(立刻—副詞)
They moved on in a direct line. (他們成一直線地移動著。)
The goods will be sent direct to you. (貨物將直接送到你那裡去。)
I will return directly (at once).(我立刻回來。)
6. sharp(銳利—形容詞) sharp(正—副詞)sharply(嚴厲地—副詞)
I want a sharp knife.(我需要一把利刃。)
It is ten o’clock sharp.= It is just ten o’clock. (十點正。)
just 也可當「正」或「恰好」解釋,不過要放在時間以前,sharp 要放在時間之後。
He sharply objected to my plan.(他嚴厲地反對我的計畫。)
7. clean(乾淨—形容詞) clean(完全—副詞) cleanly(整潔—副詞)
This house is clean.(這間屋子很乾淨。)
I clean forgot to ask him about it.(我完全忘了問他這件事。)
He was cleanly dressed.(他衣著整潔。)
8. short(近—形容詞) short(突然—副詞)shortly(馬上—副詞)
There is a short way home through the woods.
The car stopped short (= suddenly) only a few feet from where the child stood.
He will come shortly (= in a short time).(他馬上會來。)
- 大學學測4000單字與大學指考7000單字
- GEPT 中高級英文單字 中英文對照表
- 1200單字 教育部國中小基本英語字彙
- 英文字尾er or ist 職業英文單字
- 字尾ist單字
- 字尾ee er
- 職業工作英語怎麼說
- lie 用法 lie lay lain lied laid
- high/highly/hard/hardly/late/lately 用法
- late latter later latest last 文法
- adapt adopt adept 相似字怎麼用
- assist consist resist用法
- molt dolt bolt colt cult 記憶口訣
- Stature Statute Status Statue 相似字辨別
- 偷東西thief robber burglar looter shoplifter差別
- 易搞混單字 considerate considerable considering
- argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss 的不同使用情況
- imagine imaginative imaginable相似字
- every day everyday的差別 may be maybe
- 易混淆動詞三態 find found fine 發現創立罰款
- harm 用法 do harm to 對……有害
- affect 與effect怎麼分辨
- with 用法總整理
- 跟月亮有關的英文諺語
- dare 用法
- well 用法
- 英文單字記憶法
- isolation isolate isolated用法
- deal 相關片語 deal with/ No big deal
- Own 使用方式 of one’s own /on one’s own
- What is called 被稱為…