grade score point 考幾分英文怎麼說

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What did you get?(你拿幾分?) I get grade A in English. (我英文考A級分)
What was your score?(你分數多少?)My grade is 80 marks. (我的成績是80分)

如果要問什麼科目或考試得幾分,可在後面可以加上 in + 科目、on + 考試 / 作業。

I get a good grade in English. (我英文獲得好成績)

I do well on math test. 我數學考試考地好。

So, you would ask your teacher, “What grade did I get?” if you want to know how you did on a test.

如果想詢問考幾分,可以使用 What grade did I get in 科目/ or on ~test.

grade  可數名詞

1. 等級;級別;階段

These are second-grade grapes. 這些是次級葡萄。

2. 【美】(中,小學的)年級;(某年級的)全體學生

The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall. 這對雙胞胎今年秋季將升到四年級。

James is in the seventh grade this year. James  今年讀七年級(國一)

in 序數 +grade 表示讀幾年級

What grade are  you in ? 你讀幾年級?

I am in thefirst 一
second 二
third 三
fourth 四
fifth 五
sixth 六
seventh 七(國一)
eighth 八(國二)
tenth十 (高一)
eleventh 十一(高二)
twelfth 十二 (高三)
grade. 年級

3. 【美】成績,評分

He received a failing grade on the term paper. 他的期末報告不及格。

4. 【美】坡度;斜坡

The next hill has a really steep grade.


1. 將……分等級;將……分類 (動詞)

The pearls are carefully graded. 這些珍珠的等級分得很仔細。

Eggs are usually graded by size. 機但通常都是以大小分等級。

2. 【美】給……評分

The teacher spent an hour grading the English papers.


1. 分等級;屬於某等級

2. (顏色等)漸次變化,漸次調和[(+into)]

Red and yellow grade into orange. 紅與黃混合成橘黃。

片語 make the grade合乎水準

If you don ‘ t make the grade , you can ‘ t be a member of the club.



 score 名詞

1. (比賽中的)得分,比數;(測驗的)成績,分數

What is the score now? 現在比數多少?


Mary scored the highest marks on the exam. 瑪麗考試中得了個最高分。


In the game we got ten points while the Medical School got only three. 比賽中我們得了十分,而醫學院只得了三分。
