表達某人生氣的情緒形容詞,除了angry之外還有其他很多的表示方式。不要再只會說I’m angry.了。angry 的用法為be angry at/with + sb. 對某人感到生 be angry for/about + N/V-ing為……感到生氣 be mad with 人.
She is angry with Cindy for being late.她感到生氣因為Cindy遲到。
Kate is angry for her student’s lies. Kate 對學生的謊言感到生氣。
Mike is mad with his boss.Mike對他的老闆生氣。
She felt angry that no body replys to her question.她氣沒有人回應她的問題。
be furious with sb 極為生氣的
furious指「極為生氣的,怒不可遏的」,用法為be furious with sb. 和 be furious about/for sth.
Judy was furious. Judy非常生氣。
The teacher is furious with me for going to school late again.
My parents are furious about the trouble which I made.
fly into a rage勃然大怒
Leon flew into a fury at the deal. Leon對該協議很生氣。
She reacted with fury to the lie.她對謊言的反應是生氣的。
表達非常生氣的用法還有:be enraged, be infuriated, be fuming, hit the ceiling, fly into a rage勃然大怒
The lawmaker was enraged at the false accusation in the news report.
Two days after the quarrel, my boyfriend is still fuming at me.
Lulu flew into a rage when she saw his son’s poor grades.
Dad will surely hit the ceiling when he finds out that I drank alcohol.
- irritable, grumpy, crabby 容易生氣的
- sulky, sullen 生悶氣的
- upset, annoyed 有點生氣的
- mad, angry, cross 相當生氣的
- indignant, outrageous 憤慨的
enrage 激怒/觸怒
Jimmy’s rude behavior enraged her father, who ordered him to get out of here
His nasty behavior enraged his teacher and parents.
rage 暴怒/盛怒
The dead girl’s father could not control his rage at the light sentence given to the drunk driver. 失去女兒的父親對於酒駕司機的輕判怒火難以平息。
with rage 憤怒地
Cindy shouted with rage when she saw her room in such a mess.
rage v. [I, T] 發怒;肆虐
Our coach raged at us for losing the game.教練對我們發怒因為我們比賽輸了。
The typhoon has been raging for a long time. 颱風已經肆虐一陣子了
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