主詞+雙賓動詞+受詞(人)+ 受詞(物)。= 主詞+雙賓動詞+受詞(物)+介係詞+受詞(人)。
S gave sb. sth.= S gave sth. to sb.
我給了Mary一枝筆。 I gave Mary a pen.= I gave a pen to Mary.
有發現主詞為I,動詞為gave(過去式),此處為授與動詞。 Mary 與 a pen皆為受詞。而兩句最大的差別在於,若是人為直接受詞,則其後直接再接物品受詞。若後先遇到物品,則先需使用介係詞才會再接對象受詞。有些動詞使用to 或for皆可,但有些動詞就只能固定使用特定的介係詞for或to,甚至還有of與with。
read write sing bring 這四個單字介係詞使用for或 to皆可 ,但文意不同。
I bring a birthday cake for you. (我為你帶來了一個生日蛋糕)
→for you為你帶來(不一定給你)
I bring a birthday cake to you. (我帶一個生日蛋糕給你)
→to you帶來給你
I wrote a letter to Mary. (我寫一封信給瑪莉。)→to Mary.(信件給Mary)
I wrote a letter for Mary.(我替瑪莉寫一封信。)→for Mary.(我幫Mary寫信,信件不知給誰)
介係詞為to 的授與動詞
teach 教 tell 說 read 讀 write 寫 send 寄 give 給 sell 賣 show秀 offer(提供) lend (借出) throw(丟)
「教說讀寫寄給賣秀提出丟」 英文教四項能力 聽說讀寫 聽為感官動詞與連綴動詞 故不再此單元,寫完信要寄出,由郵差必須把信拿給受信人 賣秀→ 曼秀雷敦 垃圾要提出去外面丟→提出丟
如: I give a flower to my mother. = I give my mother a flower. 我給我母親一朵花。
為何使用to而不使用其他介係詞呢? 因為to 是指動詞傳達的方向。也就是指雙賓動詞本身想把物品傳達給誰,因此,接受者前面必須有介係詞表示物品「朝他的方向前進」。拿上列例句解釋便知道主角我,拿了一朵花給我母親,物品(花朵)最後的在母親那,因此to便是物品的傳達方向
drew 畫畫 cook煮飯 buy買 bring帶 find尋找 sing歌唱 make製作 build建造 save省(儲存) order 命令(點菜) choose選擇 prepare準備
授與動詞口訣記憶口訣:唱作造省點選 畫煮買帶找 唱作俱佳的造大嬸讓你點選 畫畫煮蔡要買材料,買材料要帶錢,買完東西要記得找錢
如:I prepare a delicious meal for my mother. (我為了我母親準備了一份可口的餐點) 本身付出時間與勞力做菜給受惠者
ask 人 to VR → 要求某人做某事 I ask you to do homework. 我要求你寫功課
ask 人 事 = ask 事 of 人 → 向某人詢問某事 I ask the question of you. =I ask you the question.我向妳詢問該問題
這個雙賓動詞比較特殊使用of 當介係詞,請注意of本身的意思是「包含」。沒錯因為我要向妳詢問,因此該事情you一定知道因此包含於你 ,而不用to 的原因是我向妳詢問完後,最後結果是朝向主詞我得到答案,而不是you因此不用to,我問你東西也不需要為你做任何事,因此不用for。
share 人 物=share 物 with 人→與某人分享某事
Cindy shared the room with Mary= Cindy shared Mary the room. Cindy 與Mary共用房間。
I shared a story with Cindy.= I shared Cindy a story. 我跟Cindy分享了一則故事。
當雙賓動詞的間接受詞為代名詞時不可以放句尾,也就是句末不可以物品的代名詞it or them
I sent a present to you.(可)
I sent it to you. (可)
I sent you a present. (可)
I sent you it. (不可)
I bought Cindy some flowers.(可)
=I bought some flowers for Cindy.(可)
=I bought them for Cindy. (可)
X I bought Cindy them.(受詞物品為代名詞,此為錯誤文法)
因此物品為代名詞時,只能使用物 to/for 人的句型
He gave me a surprise. = He gave a surprise to me.
The owner sold me a rose.= The owner sold a rose to me.
Donna bought a bottle of milk for me.
=Donna bought me a bottle of milk.
Henry sent a book to me.=Henry sent me a book.
Ben made a card for me.= Ben made me a card.
He cooked me a meal. =He cooked a meal for me.
( )1. I ______ a letter to my sister every week. (A) send (B) buy (C) draw (D) make
( )2. Cindy _________.
(A) gave a card for me (B) gave me a card (C) gave me it (D) gave a card me
( )3.I want to ask a question _______ you. (A) to (B) of (C) for (D) with
( )4. The girl showed the picture _______ them. (A) to (B) of (C) for (D) with
( )5. My brother share the bed ________ me. (A) to (B) of (C) for (D) with
( )6. We ran out of toilet paper. Please ________ some for me tomorrow.
(A) brought (B) gave (C) buy (D) send
( )7.Please _______ the storybook ________ me.
(A) read; to (B) cook ; for (C) find ; X (D) gave; for
( A ) 1. A: Kate wrote a letter _____ you this morning. B: Really? I hasn’t receive it yet.
(A) to (B) for (C) with (D) from
( D ) 2. The poor old lady couldn’t read or write, so I wrote a letter ____ her.
(A) to (B) of (C) with (D) for
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- 感官動詞與連綴動詞傻傻搞不懂!!
- 連綴動詞文法 linking Verbs
- 連綴動詞 Linking Verb become/turn/get/go/grow
- 連綴動詞 seem appear keep stay remain
- 英文越來越比較級 the more the more
- 被動語態(感官&使役&授與動詞)
- 沒有被動語態的動詞
- find, keep, leave, catch 文法
- 授與動詞(雙賓動詞)記憶口訣
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- 不定詞的否定not+to+V
- Go ving 從事某種活動文法
- 不定詞做形容詞及副詞的文法
- in order to 為了…目的
- 哪些動詞後接不定詞(to VR)
- 哪些動詞片語後接Ving(動名詞)
- 動詞後to為介係詞 to ving/N
- spend cost take pay 文法
- 英文祈使句文法 Imperative Sentence
- 使役動詞 make/have/let 受詞 VR
- 命令、要求、讓某人做某事 make sb. VR
- 瞬間動詞有哪些 Momentary Verbs
- 情態副詞文法
- waste 浪費時間金錢英文怎麼說