Judy and Lisa are checking in at the hostel. They are now at the reception desk.
Judy 和Lisa正在青年旅館辦理入住手續。他們現在正在櫃檯。
Judy :Hi, we’ve reserved two beds for three nights. Here is our confirmation slip.
The desk clerk: Let me see. Yes. Can I see your passports, please?
Lisa: Sure. Here they are.
The desk clerk: OK. Now, please fill in these registration cards. I’ll need your names
home addresses, passport numbers, and your signatures.
(A few minutes later) (過了一會兒)
Judy: Here you go. Judy:填好了給您。
The desk clerk: Here are your keys. You’ll find the lift around that corner, on your left.
Lisa: Thank you. By the way, when is checkout?
The desk clerk: At noon. Have a nice day.
Judy and Lisa: Thanks. You too. Judy and Lisa:謝謝你,你也是。
hostel 旅舍(尤其指青年旅舍)背包客棧
reception 接待處
confirmation 確認
signature 簽名
dorm 寢室;宿舍
checkout 退房的時間
Another Situation 飯店內其它工作人員
janitor 工友
plumber 水管工人
chambermaid 清潔女侍(=maid)
The Desk Clerk旅館服務台人員用語
How would you like to make payment?你要如何付款呢?
How would you like to settle your bill?
What kind of room would you prefer?你比較喜歡什麼樣的房間呢?
We never received the deposit.我們沒有收到訂金。
The Desk Clerk: Will you pay in cash or by credit card? 你要付現金還是信用卡?
Customer: Cash/Credit card, please. 現金/信用卡。
Could you please tell me how to fill in these forms?
I prefer a single room with a bathtub.我想要有浴缸的單人房。
I’d like a room facing the sea/garden/street. 我想要面海/花園/街道的房間。
I would like to change my room. 我想要換房間。
Do you have a less expensive room?有比較便宜的房間嗎?
Would you please show me a better room? 可以給我一間較好的房間嗎?
Could you recommend another hotel?
Could you recommend around here? 可以介紹我另一間旅館嗎?
Is breakfast included? 有包含早餐嗎?
Including service charge?有包還服務費嗎?
What kind of facilities do you have in the hotel?你們旅館有什麼樣的服務設備嗎?
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