開學的英文千萬不要說 open 唷!! 正確的開學說法是back to school
When do you go back to school?你何時開學?
Are you ready back to school?你準備好要開學了嗎?
新學期的說法 A new semester is coming. 新學期即將到來。 A new semester has started. A new semester has begun.
post-it 便利貼
scissors 剪刀
safety scissors 安全剪刀
glue 膠水
ruler 尺
paperclip 迴紋針
stapler 釘書機
staples 釘書針
pencil 鉛筆
colored pencil 色鉛筆
pencil case鉛筆盒
pencil bag 筆袋
pencil sharpener 削鉛筆機
mechanical pencil自動鉛筆
eraser 橡皮擦
pen 原子筆
correction tape 修正帶
crayon 蠟筆
marker 彩色筆
clay 黏土
handkerchief 手帕
water bottle 水壺
loose-leaf paper 活頁紙
three-hole binder 三孔資料夾
notebook 筆記本
flash card 單字卡
backpack 後背包
2B pencil 2B鉛筆
protractor 量角器
divider 圓規
folder 資料夾
slipcase 書套
sports clothes 體育服
lunch box 便當盒
lunch bag 便當袋
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- eat or drink soup 吃湯還是喝湯?
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- use your noodle 中文 英文食物引申意義
- You are killing me 不是殺了我 roll my eyes意思