

旅客:Hello, I’d like to check in for my flight to Japan.


地勤:May I have your passport and ticket, please? (我可以看一下你的護照跟機票嗎?)

旅客:Here they are. (在這)

地勤:Thank you. Do you have any luggage to check in?


旅客:Yes, I have one suitcase.


地勤:Please place it on the scale. Your bag is within the weight limit. Here is your boarding pass. Your gate number is A12 and boarding starts at 10:30 AM.


旅客:Thank you very much. (非常謝謝你。)

認識單字: passport 護照 luggage 行李 check in 辦理登機手續 suitcase 行李箱scale 磅秤 within 在…之內 weight limit 限重 boarding pass 登機證


安檢人員:Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt , and use the bins for small objects. (請把你的包包平放在輸送帶上,並使用用於存放小物品的垃圾箱。)

旅客:Sure. Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?


安檢人員:Yes, laptops need to be placed in a separate bin.


旅客:Okay, here it is. (好,放好了。)

安檢人員:Thank you. Please step through the metal detector. (謝謝,請通過金屬探測器)

安檢人員:All clear. You can collect your belongings now. (好了,現在您可以領取您的物品)

亦可以說 You’re all set.指你完成檢驗,「一切都準備好了」

旅客:Thank you.

認識字彙:conveyor belt 輸送帶 bin 垃圾桶 laptop筆記電腦(notebook) metal detector金屬探測器 belongings 財務(擁有物)


機組人員:Good morning. May I see your boarding pass, please?


旅客:Here it is. (請看。)

機組人員:Thank you. Your seat is 12A, to the left and by the window.


旅客:Great, thank you. (謝謝。)

機組人員:We hope you have a pleasant flight.(祝您旅途愉快)