affect 與effect怎麼分辨
affect v. 影響;假裝 effect n. 結果;影響
affect是動詞指影響了~,亦可做be affected by被影響。effect則是名詞,最常見的片語為have an effect on sth.對某事物有影響。或effect on N
She was apt to be affected by the surrounding. 她易於被周遭環境影響。
The accident affected Cindy’s mood. She is worried about her father. 那場意外影響了Cindy的心情。她擔心她的父親。
The movie star’s behavior has a positive effect on Eric’s behavior.那位電影明星的行為對Eric的行為有正向影響。
effect 是「立即見效」的影響,influence 是「潛移默化」的影響,impact 是「當頭棒喝」的影響
affect 與effect記憶口訣: raven 掠奪
R = Remember 記住
A = Affect is affect是
V = a Verb 動詞
E = Effect is effect 是
N = a Noun 名詞
effect 也有動詞的用法
Rose tried to effect a reconciliation. 羅絲試圖進行調解。
He effected several important changes. 他完成了幾項重要的改革。
The big change ________ our life styles. (A)affects (B)effect (C)effective (D) affective Ans:A
The big change has an ________ on our life styles. (A)affects (B)effect (C)effective (D) affective Ans:B
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- 字尾ee er
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