What is called 被稱為…
What is called + 名詞
This is what is called a double-edged sword.(這就是所謂的雙刃劍。)
The event sparked what is called a chain reaction.(這次事件引發了所謂的連鎖反應。)
What we call我們稱之為…
這個片語表示說話者或某個群體對某件事的主觀看法,與「what is called」相比,它更帶有個人或集體的視角。
What we call + 名詞
This is what we call a breakthrough.(這就是我們所說的突破。)
This situation is what we call a lose-lose scenario.(這種情況就是我們所謂的雙輸局面。)
so-called 用來表示某個詞語或概念,但通常帶有懷疑或諷刺的意味,暗示這個名稱可能並不準確或值得質疑。
so-called + 名詞
He is a so-called expert, but he lacks real experience.(他是個所謂的專家,但缺乏真正的經驗。)
The so-called peace talks ended without an agreement.(所謂的和平談判無果而終。)
Alleged 據稱的 / 所謂的
alleged 用來表示某件事被聲稱為真,但沒有確鑿的證據支持。這個詞經常出現在新聞報導或法律語境中。
alleged + 名詞
the alleged + 事件 / 人
The alleged suspect was arrested last night.(據稱的嫌疑犯昨晚被逮捕。)
The alleged fraud cost the company millions of dollars.(所謂的詐欺案讓這家公司損失數百萬美元。)
「alleged」表示事情尚未證實,通常會搭配法律相關的新聞或指控,例如 “alleged crime”(所謂的犯罪) 或 “alleged victim”(所謂的受害者)。
請選擇正確的詞語填空(what is called / what we call / so-called / alleged)
The __________ expert failed to provide any real solution.
This phenomenon is __________ the butterfly effect.
He was arrested as an __________ suspect in the case.
That’s __________ a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
The __________ democratic process was widely criticized.
what is called
what we call
- 大學學測4000單字與大學指考7000單字
- GEPT 中高級英文單字 中英文對照表
- 1200單字 教育部國中小基本英語字彙
- 英文字尾er or ist 職業英文單字
- 字尾ist單字
- 字尾ee er
- 職業工作英語怎麼說
- lie 用法 lie lay lain lied laid
- high/highly/hard/hardly/late/lately 用法
- late latter later latest last 文法
- adapt adopt adept 相似字怎麼用
- assist consist resist用法
- molt dolt bolt colt cult 記憶口訣
- Stature Statute Status Statue 相似字辨別
- 偷東西thief robber burglar looter shoplifter差別
- 易搞混單字 considerate considerable considering
- argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss 的不同使用情況
- imagine imaginative imaginable相似字
- every day everyday的差別 may be maybe
- 易混淆動詞三態 find found fine 發現創立罰款
- harm 用法 do harm to 對……有害
- affect 與effect怎麼分辨
- with 用法總整理
- 跟月亮有關的英文諺語
- dare 用法
- well 用法
- 英文單字記憶法
- isolation isolate isolated用法
- deal 相關片語 deal with/ No big deal
- Own 使用方式 of one’s own /on one’s own
- What is called 被稱為…