



Come in, please. 請進。

Come in for class,boys and girls. 進來上課了,同學們

Hurry up and come in. It’s class time. 快點進來,上課了

Come in and go back to your seats.  進來,回到你的的座位上

It’s time to come in, class. 該進教室了,同學們


Stand up. 站起來  stand v.站立  

up 是向上的介係詞,因此向上站立,便是站起來。

stand n.攤子,小販賣部  

He runs a food stand. 他經營食物攤。 

Attention 立正

Bow 敬禮

Students say: Good morning, Mr. Lin. 林老師早安

Good afternoon (午安)

夜間部的要使用 Good evening

Mr. 姓    (先生用於男性)

Miss 姓  (小姐,用於未婚)

Mrs. 姓  (夫姓,太太,用於已婚)

Ms. 姓   (女士,未知結婚與否)

Teacher says: Good morning, Class.

Sit down. 坐下  sit v. 坐  比較  seat n.座位  

Excuse me, is this seat taken? 對不起,請問這座位有人坐嗎?

Take a seat or Have a seat! 坐下!

seat  v.  容納  

The auditorium seats 3,000 people. 這個禮堂可坐三千人

V.使就座     Please be seated. 請就坐


Student says: I’m sorry. I am late. May I come in?

Teacher says:  Come on in. Why are you late? What’s wrong? or What happened?


Open your book.  打開你的書。

Close your book. 蓋上你的書。

Take out your book. 拿出你的書。 take out   取出  /扣除;除去  

帶……出去 Take out the garbage.   有些國家也使用take out 當外帶 (to go)

Put away your book.收回你的書。 put away  放好, 歸位; 儲存

Raise your hand. 舉起你的手。 raise 用法與比較rise arise raise arouse 文法差異

8.Put down your hand. 把手放下。 put down  放下/寫下/鎮壓

Please open the door.請開門。 

Please close the window. 請把窗戶關上。

Repeat after me.跟著我唸一遍。

Turn to the next page. 翻到下一頁。

Class, please turn to page ____. 同學們,請翻到第幾頁。

Take a note.抄筆記。

Pay attention to me.請注意
