By the time 文法

By the time 文法


過去By the time S + Ved…,S + had Vp.p.
未來By the time S + V(s)…,S + will have Vp.p.
by the time 連接兩個時態子句

by the time 完成式


By the time I got the news, my friend had departed for Japan.


By the time I arrived the airport, the plane had taken off.


By the time I got to the drugstore, it had already closed.


By the time I turned on the TV, the game had finished.


by the time 未來完成式


此時by the time後引導的副詞子句需用現在簡單式代替未來式。

Judy will have finished her homework by the time her mom returns home.

(Judy 在她母親回家時,他已經完成他的回家作業).

The janitor _________ all the works by the time we finish shopping and arrive. home.

(A) will have accomplished (B) has accomplished

(C) accomplished (D) accomplishes

Ans:A (111新竹建功高中國中部英文教甄第13題)

by the time和by+一段時間用法相同

by後面可直接接時間點,如by tomorrow等。

By + 過去時間, S + had + p.p.的意思是「到……時,……已經發生」。

By the end of last week, Matt had taught English for ten years.


By + 未來時間, S + will have p.p.的意思為「到……時,將已經……」。

By next week, I will have finished the final paper.

