主要為連接詞與代名詞的功能。用來連接兩個句子,且兩個句子彼此之間要有關連。假設要連接下列兩句子 (1) I like the girl. (2) The girl has big eyes. 必須靠一個連接詞I like the girl, and she has big eyes.此為初階英文所學。若用關係代名詞則I like the girl who has big eyes. 由此可知關係代名詞具有連接詞和代名詞兩大功能。至於關係,也就是兩個句子中間必須有所關聯,也就是同一個人事物的意思。
關代who which that whose whom
先行詞 | 關係代名詞(當主詞用) | 關係代名詞(當受詞用) | 關係代名詞 (當所有格用) |
人 | who (亦可使用that) | whom (可省略) (亦可使用that、who) | whose |
物 | which (亦可使用that) | which (可省略) 亦可使用that | whose of which |
人+物 | that | that | whose |

(1) 主格:關係子句缺乏 主詞,且後接 動詞主格例句:This is the man who bought the book for me. 這個男人買那本書給我。
(2) 所有格:後接名詞,且表與先行詞的所有格的關係
所有格例句:This is the doll whose eyes are big and round. 這個洋娃娃的眼睛又大又圓。
(3) 受格:關係子句已有主詞,即表不需主格關代,且是關係子句中動詞或介係詞的受詞
受格例句:This is the man whom I met last night. I met the man. 這是我昨晚遇見的那個男人。此句中的the man 是先行詞也是met的受詞。
a. 句子中的動詞需依先行詞作變化 b.關代連接的句子視為形容詞子句
例句: I like the person. / The person has a good heart.
合併→ I like the person has a good heart.(因為關係子句缺少主詞,所以要用主格的關代)
結果→ I like the person who has a good heart. 亦可→ I like the person that has a good heart.
I eat the apple which comes / is from Japan.
在這裡玩得Mary 與她的貓咪來自美國。
2. Mary and her cat that are playing here come from America.
Kelly 和Linda 有一個朋友是一隻狗。
3. Kelly and Linda have a friend who is a puppy.
4. She likes the book which is on the desk.
1. I like people. / People are kind and friendly.(以關係代名詞who / that 合併)
I like the people who are kind and friendly. 我喜歡仁慈又友善的人們。
2. She likes the doll. / The doll is wearing a skirt.
She likes the doll which is wearing a skirt. 她喜歡的那個洋娃娃穿著一條裙子。
3. The cats are mine. / The cats have big eyes.
The cats which have big eyes are mine. 那隻有大眼睛的貓咪是我的。
4. The girl speaks English well. / The girl is standing over there.
The girl who is standing over there speaks English well.那個站在那裡的女孩英文說得很好。
規則 | 例句 |
1. 先行詞是人+物時 | I know the man and his dog that are playing in the park. |
2 .先行詞有最高級時 | This is the best novel that I have ever read |
3. 先行詞有序數時 | She is the first woman that won the first prize. |
4. 前面已有wh疑問詞時 | Where is the man that ate the pie? |
5.先行詞有 the same(相同) the very(正是) the only(唯一) no / any / all / every 等字 | He is the same man that we met. This is the very car that I bought yesterday. This is the only money that I have. Any man that listens to him is a fool. |
( C )1.Every girl_______ was asked to go to the party is over eighteen.
(A)who (C) which (C) that (D)whose
( C )2.Who is the woman _______ is chatting with your mother?
( C )3.Ken is the most hard-working student_______ I have ever met.
( C )4.I have the same book _______ you bought yesterday at the bookstore.
( C )5.Do you see the cat and the man_______ are playing at the yard?
( C )6.He is the only person _____ I know at the party.
( C )7. No one remembers the third man ______ landed on the moon.
( C )8. She is the very girl ______ I saw in the restaurant.
( C )9.All the students _____ pass the test can go out and have fun.
( C )10.Which is the dress ______you like, the yellow one or the green one?
( C )11.Who is the man _____ you want to marry?
( C )12.The handsome man and the dog ______walking on the street live next door to me. (A)which are (C) which is (C) that are (D) that is
This is the most ridiculous excuse ______ I have ever heard of for being absent from class. (112年中區國中英語教甄第11題)
(A) that (B) which (C) what (D) as
Ans:A 這是我聽過的最荒唐的缺課藉口
1 .先行詞前有介係詞時 | This is the house which I live in. =This is the house that I live in.(that 代替which) =This is the house in which I live.(in 可放前面) =This is the where I live. Where為關代副詞 × Here is the house in that I live.(in 在前不用that) |
2. 先行詞前有逗號時 | ○ I know the man who / that came here yesterday. × I know John, that came here yesterday |
1.January first, _______ everyone has a day off on, is the start of a new year. B
(A)who (B) which (C) that (D)whose
2.The little cat with_______ the woman is feeding is so cute. B
(A)who (B) which (C) that (D)whose
3.The little baby of _______ the old lady is taking care is mine.A
(A)who (B) which (C) that (D)whose
4.Taipei 101, _____ is the tallest building in Taiwan, is popular with visitors.B
(A)who (B) which (C) that (D)whose
( C )1.The keys ______ are on the table aren’t yours.(A) who (B) this (C) which (D) X
( D )2. Mom doesn’t like the man ________ wants to sell her picture book.
(A) × (B) which (C) this (D) who
( B )3.The pizza _____ tasted delicious was made by Jojo.
(A) who (B) that (C) whose (D) X
( B )4.We want to take the stray dog ________ has only three legs home with us.
(A) who (B) that (C) what (D) with
( A )5.I lost the cellphone ________ my grandmother bought me as a birthday present.
(A) which (B) who (C) it (D) X
( A ) 6.Do you remember the man______is called Bob Smith?
(A) who (B) which (C) whose (D) X
( B )7.The monkey____ can ride a bike likes eating banana.
(A) × (B) which (C) this (D) who
( D )8.The money ________ stolen was from my husband.
(A) that (B) which (C) who is (D) that was
( B ) 9.The singer________is singing on TV is my friend.
(A) that (B) which (C) × (D) where
( C )10. Mary wants a husband _____ tall and strong. Mary想要一個高壯的丈夫。
(A) that (B) which (C) who is (D) that are
( A )11.Is she the girl_____won first prize in the contest this year?
(A) that (B) which (C) × (D) where
( C )12.The workers who _____ building the house are very hard-working.
(A) is (B) are (C) was (D) X
( C )13.He wants to buy a house _______ a garden. 他想要買一個有花園的房子。
(A) which is (B) which are (C) that with (D) that has
( B )14.The girl ______ long hair _____ my sister. 那個留長髮的女孩子是我妹妹。
(A) that wear ; is (B)with; is (C) who wears; are (D) in; are
( B )15.The red dress which costs three thousand dollars _____ too expensive for me.
(A) are (B) is (C) am (D) X
( A )16. The bike which Jerry broke yesterday _______to his sister.
(A) belongs (B) belong (C) X (D) was belonged
( B )17.The boy and the cat ____ are dancing are good friends.
(A) × (B) which (C) that (D) who
( B )18.Jane bought a computer _____ made in the USA.
(A) which (B) which is (C) who (D) that are
( D )19. The children and dogs _____ are running over there are good friends.
(A) who (B) which (C) X (D) that
( D )20.I am reading the letter ___ by Peter Lin.
(A) who wrote (B) was written (C) was writing (D) which was written
( ) 21. I know the man _____ bought the house. (A) who (B) what (C) which (D) × A
( ) 22. Do you like the house _______ was bought by Peter? (A) that (B) × (C) who (D)whom A
( ) 23. God helps those ______ help themselves. (A) that (B) who (C) × (D) what B
( )2 4. There are a man and a dog _____ are walking along the street. (A) who (B) which (C) that (D) × C
( ) 25. Who is the girl _____ is sitting over there? (A) that (B) which (C) × (D) whom A
( ) 26. This is the most interesting storybook _____ I have ever had. (A) what (B) who (C) that (D) whom C
TPACK is a technology integration framework _______ identifies three types of knowledge instructors need to combine for effective teaching.
(A) it (B) that (C) who (D) X Ans:B (112花蓮國中小教甄試題) 關代主詞
例句:I enjoyed the pizza. Dad bought the pizza last night.
合併:I enjoyed the pizza which Dad bought last night.
(因為關係子句已有主詞,故不需主格關代,且句中受詞the pizza沒出現,故需要受格關代)
結果:I enjoyed the pizza which Dad bought last night.
亦可:I enjoyed the pizza that Dad bought last night.
1.主格關代 | 可以用that替代 | 絕對不可省略 |
2.受格關代 | 可以用that | 受格關代可以省略, 但前有介係詞或逗號時則不可省略亦不可替代! |
1. I know the man who / that bought the car.(○)
I know the man bought the car.(×)主格不可省略
2. I know the man whom / that / ×(省略) you talked about.(○)
I know the man about whom you talked.(○)介係詞可放前
I know the man about that you talked.(×)有介係詞不可替換
1. 表關係子句有限定及修飾先行詞的作用。 2. 關係子句前後不加「,」 3. 可用that 代替who / whom / which 4. 受格關代可省略 5. 因為限定,故指條件相同的不只一位 | I need a man who can speak English. (我需要一位會說英語的人。) 擁有會說英語條件的人不只一位 |
1. 表關係子句僅作補述之用,不用來限定或修飾先行詞 2. 關係子句前後需加「,」 3. 不可用關代that 4. 受格關代不可省略 5. 因為補述,故僅指一個對象 | Tony’s sister, who lives in Tainan, is coming back. (湯尼的姊姊要回來了,她目前住在台南。) 湯尼的姊姊只有一位,她住在台南僅作補述之用 |
The girl who is sitting next to the door is James.=The girl sitting next to the door is James. (坐在門旁的女孩是James)
I know the man who is standing over there. = I know the man standing over there.
I know the man who was bitten by my dog. = I know the man bitten by my dog.
I like the white cat. Its name is Kiki.
因此便可使用關代所有格 I like the white cat whose name is Kiki.
例:Tom likes the girl. The girl’s hair is long and straight.
→Tom likes the girl whose hair is long and straight.( Tom 喜歡的女孩的頭髮是又直又長)
I want to buy the book whose cover is a May day. (我想要買那本封面是五月天的書)
( B )4. In his parable The Wise Woman, George MacDonald tells the story of two girls, ______ selfishness brings misery to all, including themselves, until a wise woman puts them through a series of tests to help them become “lovely” again.
(A) who (B) whose (C) what (D) which (113新竹市四校教甄)
(D)The architectural masterpiece, _____ intricate design has captivated millions, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the human spirit.
(A) that (B) what (C) which (D) whose (113桃園國中教甄第19題)
(英文)The girl who wears a blue T-shirt is my friend.(關係子句寫法)
(英文)The girl in a blue T-shirt is my friend.(介系詞片語寫法)
(英文)The girl wearing a blue T-shirt is my friend.(分詞片語寫法)
原句為The girl who is wearing a blue T-shirt is my friend. 那位正穿著藍色T-shirt的女孩是我朋友。
介係詞+關代+to VR
to +VR+介係詞
The poor old man has no money | which he can buy food with. |
with which he can buy food. | |
with which to buy food. | |
to buy food. |
( A ) 1. Students _____ to go on the school trip should ask their parents first. 【113-12】(A) who want (B) want (C) who they want (D) what they want
( B ) 2. The new medicine that just came out on the market ______ thousands of lives. 【112-22】(A) and saved (B) has saved (C) saving (D) to save
( D ) 3. Scott wasn’t sure if the young woman before him was ____ pulled him out of a car on fire.(A) who (B) the one (C) the one she (D) the one who 【112-19】
( C ) 4. Fiona loves listening to her children sing songs ______ at school. 【110-12】
(A) are learned (B) that learned
(C) they learned (D) that they are learned
( A ) 5. Can anyone who knows the answer______ it out loud? 【109-補-15】
(A) say (B) says (C) saying (D) to say
( A ) 6. All the excuses Nick made ______ a lot about how much he hates to do the job. 【106-13】(A) say (B) saying (C) which say (D) to say
( D ) 7. Actor David Piper became tired of talking about the movie _____ after he was interviewed about it many times. 【104-12】
(A) he is famous (B) that he is famous
(C) that is famous for (D) he is famous for
( B ) 8. “Are you dating anyone special now?” is a question that popular movie stars in an interview. 【102-13】
(A) to be often asked (B) are often asked
(C) being often asked (D) who are often asked
( D ) 9. The medicine I _____ you this morning should be taken three times a day. 【100-2-13】(A) to give (B) given (C) giving (D) gave
( C ) 10. At dinner time, I often enjoy telling Mom everything ____ at school. 【98-1-12】(A) happened (B) was happening (C) that happened (D) which happening
( B ) 11. In my family, my sister is the only person who _____ chocolate. 【96-1-13】
(A) love (B) loves (C) loved (D) loving
( C ) 12. I like to read comic books ______ me laugh. 【95-2-14】
(A) made (B) to have made
(C) that make (D) which makes
( B ) 13. The movie is about a true story _____ happened in Korea in 1945. 【94-1-9】
(A) it (B) that (C) what (D) when
( D ) 14. I need someone ______ his work to take out the garbage for me. 【93-1-12】
(A) finish (B) finished (C) has finished (D) who has finished
( C ) 15. James: Do you see the street vendor over there?
Philip: Which one?
James: The one _____ is wearing a hat. 【91-2】
(A) it (B) he (C) who (D) which
( B ) 16. Eva: What’s your ideal mate(理想的伴侶)like?
Ada: Well, I want a husband who ______ well. I enjoy eating, but I hate kitchens. 【91-1】(A) cook (B) cooks (C) cooking (D) to cook
( A ) 17. Do you remember the girl _______ looked worried at the train station yesterday? 【90-1】(A) who (B) where (C) which (D) what
- 關係代名詞當主詞、受詞、所有格講義
- 複合關係代名詞What=the thing(s) which
- 準關係代名詞but as than文法
- 關係先行詞 one of 複數名詞 who/which
- 關係副詞與關係代名詞的比較
- There be N ving/p.p.